Client Story: Freedom First Credit Union
Freedom First’s AI bot Ginny manages over 25,000 calls a month and saves the company over $225,000 in third-party costs every year.
Conversational AI thoughts from Posh.
Freedom First’s AI bot Ginny manages over 25,000 calls a month and saves the company over $225,000 in third-party costs every year.
Prestigious International Annual Awards Program Honors Standout AI and Machine Learning Solutions and Companies
As it stands, there are approximately 130+ million individuals who bank with credit unions. It is our goal to empower credit unions to reach every single one of those members.
For banks and financial institutions, not being able to meet customers where they are, at the times that they need it, can be a huge hindrance to customer retention and overall sentiment.
After launching Posh's full suite, ACU of Texas managed a 93% decrease in call abandon rates, 97% call center approval rating + more.
At Posh, we’ve leveraged Conversational AI to transform customer service, starting at financial institutions. We work with dozens of banks and credit unions to automate their customer interactions 24/7, enhancing their overall customer experience while saving their contact centers time and money.
The addition of conversational AI IVR helps to reduce call center volume and increases customer satisfaction, saving your organization time and money.
Being purpose-driven ensures we remain dedicated to solving the specific issues raised to us by our CU and financial industry partners.
Choosing an AI partner can be difficult in today’s current landscape. Ensuring that you go live with a full set of engagements either digitally or by voice is critical.
Thank you for joining our webinar discussing ChatGPT for Credit Unions: Promises and Pitfalls of Large Language Models (LLMs)!